All Hooks
this project was heavily inspired by and built with the purpose of increasing qwik ecosystem. by: @victorditadi


Copy text to the clipboard using useCopyClipboard.

npm i @ditadi/qwik-hooks
DESCRIPTION:The useCopyToClipboard hook is useful because it abstracts the complexity of copying text to the clipboard in a cross-browser compatible manner. It utilizes the modern navigator.clipboard.writeText method if available, which provides a more efficient and secure way to copy text. In case the writeText method is not supported by the browser, it falls back to a traditional method using the document.execCommand(“copy”) approach
timeoutnumber (optional)The timeout in milliseconds to execute the copy operation. Default is 300ms.
RETURN VALUEThe useCopyClipboard hook returns an array with the following elements:
copySignal<string | boolean | null>The value that was last copied to the clipboard.
setCopyQRL<(value: string | boolean | null) => Promise<void>>A function to copy a specified value to the clipboard.
isCopyingSignal<boolean>A boolean signal that indicates whether the copy operation is in progress.
click at button to copy